Trillium Book Award Author Readings June 16

Capital Slam featuring Prufrock

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Saturday, March 10, 2012 - 6:30pm


Mercury Lounge
56 Byward Market Square
Ottawa, ON
K1N 9C3


Capital Slam is on fire! There are only three qualifying slams left in the season and there is still some serious play left for those semi-final spots! Rusty Priske's win at the last slam vaulted him to second but it is still Loh El holding down the #1 position!

And what a treat this time out as the regular CapSlam DJ and the 2011 Urban Legends Champion steps out for a full feature set with Prufrock.

Beginning to write rap at a young age, Prufrock didn’t begin actively cultivating his poetic side until after reading T.S. Elliot’s "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," in 12th grade. After discovering the Ottawa poetry scene a few years ago, his interest and attention turned to being a part of that culture and his involvement has taken off since then. He is a musician at heart, and has recently put out a CD of his music entitled Master of the Flying Guillotine, featuring hip hop music with strong social and political opinions.

The priority sign-up for the slams has shifted from the 'never slammed' to the 'slammed once', so if your name is on that list, you have priority sign up in March. Now there are a lot of names here so there is still no guarantee, but if you get here by 7 p.m. we should be able to get you on the stage.

Doors and sign-up are at 6:30 p.m., all ages welcome. Admission is $8 and free for performers. Visit the website for more information.

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