Trillium Book Award Author Readings June 16

Tim Conley & Leah Murray Reading at Novel Idea

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One False Move by Tim Conley

Friday, April 27, 2012 - 7:00pm


Novel Idea Bookstore
156 Princess St
Kingston, ON
K7L 1B1


Quattro Books authors Tim Conley (One False Move) and Leah Murray (Romancing the Buzzard) will be reading from their latest books at Novel Idea.

Praise for One False Move:

Poetry is the not-so-civil war between phrase and phrase, word and word, fragment and fragment. After each petty victory, the chess pieces are returned to their home positions and the furniture is back where it belongs. With One False Move, Tim Conley trumps up and seizes the upper hand. You’ll never know what hit you. — derek beaulieu

In One False Move, Tim Conley eschews traditional poetic diction to parse, collage, and reframe common speech, idioms, conversational tics, and other verbal conventions in an ironic yet fluid fashion. He constructs poems of false syllogisms and chopped logic revealing a Wittgensteinian awareness of language games—a darkly comic view of the constructedness of all discourse—yet demonstrates how through this rictus it is possible to produce a humane and often political poetics.

Readers of Conley’s sly and elliptical short fiction will also be pleased to recognize that a similar ethos runs through his verse—an accomplished poetic debut. — Stephen Cain

Praise for Romancing the Buzzard:

This is a love story. This is a horror story. It is an examination of mental illness written with lyric beauty and it is a factual and cold recounting of a public trial. I came away from the reading shocked and saddened but grateful for this memoir, with all its tenderness and terror. If you want to understand how anyone can fall too deeply in love, read this book. You won’t forget it. — Carolyn Smart

Using words like pinpricks of light, Leah Murray’s writing illuminates dread constellations above a landscape darkened by fear and desire – treacherous at one end with careful-what-you-wish-for, and then tilted, crazily, towards a harrowing escape. — Darryl Joel Berger

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